Квест на профессию Star Gladiator/Гладиатор
He will tell you to collect the following items: 2. After obtaining the items, proceed to Comodo. There is a path around the mountain in the middle of the map (the base is found at that leads to the top of it. 3. At the top, find the NPC "Man" . After giving the items, the player will be warped to "The Sun, the Moon, and The Stars" .
5. After speaking to the Gladiator of the Moon, the player will be warped to Payon. Speak to MooHyun and return to Comodo to be warped back. The player will once again be moved, this time to the Gladiator of the Stars . She requires the following items:
6. After gathering these items, the Man can return the player to the quest area for free. Hand the items to the Gladiator of the Stars, who will change send the player back to Payon. The Man in comodo will turn the player into a Star Gladiator.
Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 10 июня 2020 в 20:06.