Версия от 13:16, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Carry On

Файл:Logo faction gallente federation.png
Chapter 1: Impetus

1 Impetus
2 The Tolle Scar
3 Priority One
4 The Averon Exchange
5 A Different Kind of Director
6 Assistance
7 The High or Low Road

Chapter 2a: Scoping The Scene

8 Outside The Scope
9 Hidden Camera
10 Rendezvous
11 Handoff
12 With Authority

Chapter 2b: Eagle Grip

8 Into the Black
9 Poor Man's Shakedown
10 Underground Circus
11 Intaki Chase
12 Rat in a Corner

Chapter 3: Inertia

13 Places to Hide
14a Little Fingers
14b Oldest Profession
14c Octomet Plantation
15 Carry On
16 Studio I
17 Showtime
18 Where's the Line?
19a Everybody Has a Price
19b Safe Return

ObjectiveFind the Carry On Hub and approach it.
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionVeteran 'Carry On Guard' Frigate
EWARNeuts, Damps
Ship suggestionBattleship (Fast frigate for Blitz)
Rewards10M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Ok, ok. Don't tell Mourmarie, but I've been holding out on her. She's wrung me out of most of the info I have, especially some of the juicier leads from my former smuggling days. But this place is the mother lode, a veritable smorgasbord for the human traffickers in this corner of New Eden. You can't tell anyone about this place, though: A rat is only good if nobody knows she exists, if you catch my meaning.

The Carry On is a smuggler's haven, a collection of speakeasies and underground associations devoted to human trafficking. It was a home away from home for me back in the day. I don't think I can show my face there anymore, though. Too many enemies, too many friends. But you can.

Your best course of action is to find the Carry On hub, located at the heart of the complex. You'll probably meet some of the guards there, or even some smugglers looking to protect their own. If they hit you, strike back. Smugglers are cowards at heart. Approach the hub and see what you can find there. Attack it if you must. This pains me to think about it, but it's our only choice.

Carry On Token
If you found the Carry On token, you may find it useful at their illicit location. Even smugglers charge admission.

Gated semi-deadspace pocket two jumps away in Osmeden.

Blitz: place your Carry On Token from the previous Mission on a Microwarpdrive equipped Frigate, take the Toll Booth Gate and approach the Carry On Hub Structure.


  • Bookmark the final Room after either going through the Alley or using the Carry On Token, so you can warp away
  • The Carry On Token is consumed
  • The last room is not deadspaced
  • Group 1 in the last room warp away when you get close to the Carry On Crow's Nest
  • Veteran Carry On Guard Battleships deal high damage over long distances



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Leads to the final Room. Requires the Carry On Token.
Structure 1 x Toll Booth


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Unlocked. Leads to the next Room
Pay the toll
Are you lost, stranger? Pay the toll to carry on. Otherwise, you gotta use the side gate and take the “alley.”

Room 1 - The Alley

Spawn table

Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Veteran Carry On Guard Energy Neutralizer Remote Sensor Dampener
Battleship 8 x Battleship Amateur/Veteran Carry On Guard
Sentry 6 x Sentry Syndicate Cruise Missile Battery

-0.3 penalty standing to the Syndicate for destroying just ONE cruise missile battery.

Structures (36 km)

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Leads to "The Alley (2)". Gate will appear when all enemy ships and at least one cruise missile battery is destroyed.

Room 2 - The Alley

Spawn table

Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Carry On Guard
Battleship 6 x Battleship Carry On Guard
Sentry 2 x Sentry Syndicate Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Syndicate Heavy Missile Battery

No standing loss to the Syndicate for destroying enemy ships.

Structures (22 km)

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Leads to "The Hub". Gate unlocks when all enemy ships are destroyed. Missile batteries do not need to be destroyed.

Room 3 - The Hub

Agent Conversation on landing
You've made it in. Good. Haha! They banned me from this place long ago, but I found a way to get back. Start shootin'. When you're done with their stooges, approach the Carry On hub. They'll relent once you get near. Make sure you tell them who sent you.

Group 1
Group 2

Elite Frigate 8 x Elite Frigate Veteran Carry On Guard Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 8 x Elite Cruiser Veteran Carry On Guard
Battleship 6 x Battleship Amateur Carry On Guard
Elite Battleship 2 x Elite Battleship Veteran Carry On Guard

Industrial 2 x Industrial Carry On Industrial/Courier
Freighter 3 x Freighter Carry On Freighter Commodities: oxygen, civilians, scientist and exotic dancers

All enemy ships except industrials will warp away when mission is complete. Minor standing loss to the Syndicate for destroying enemy ships.

Structures (30 km)

Structure 1 x Carry On Crow's Nest Approach to complete the Mission
Stop shooting
Studio I. The kid's at Studio I.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:16.