Версия от 13:18, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Everybody Has a Price

Файл:Logo faction gallente federation.png
Chapter 1: Impetus

1 Impetus
2 The Tolle Scar
3 Priority One
4 The Averon Exchange
5 A Different Kind of Director
6 Assistance
7 The High or Low Road

Chapter 2a: Scoping The Scene

8 Outside The Scope
9 Hidden Camera
10 Rendezvous
11 Handoff
12 With Authority

Chapter 2b: Eagle Grip

8 Into the Black
9 Poor Man's Shakedown
10 Underground Circus
11 Intaki Chase
12 Rat in a Corner

Chapter 3: Inertia

13 Places to Hide
14a Little Fingers
14b Oldest Profession
14c Octomet Plantation
15 Carry On
16 Studio I
17 Showtime
18 Where's the Line?
19a Everybody Has a Price
19b Safe Return

ObjectiveTake Ralie Ardanne (1 m3) to the warehouse and drop him off.
Rewards10% The Syndicate Faction Standing + 1x Syndicate Cloaking Device

Place Ralie Ardanne into the Syndicate Warehouse Container.


Everybody has a price
And we've found yours. Bring the kid to the warehouse. We'll give you what you deserve after that.


Container 1 x Syndicate Warehouse


Cruiser 5 x Friendly Cruiser Syndicate Cruiser
The Right Thing
What? You expected an ambush? Why would we do that to a trusted friend such as yourself? You did exactly what any good capsuleer would do: You chose the money over the kid's safety. Kudos to you. You'll go far in this world.

Not that I think you care, but we're not going to kill the kid. He's too useful to us. Impetus will make sure we wring as much money out of him as possible. There's a market for everything, and everybody has a price.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:18.