Версия от 13:22, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Revelation (mission)

Chapter 1: The Passage

1 A Demonstration
2 The Cost of Preservation
3 Written By The Victors
4 Glowing Embers
5 From Way Above
6 Friends In High Places
7 My Little Eye

Chapter 2: Songs of the Past

8 Dead End Intercept
9 Surfacing
10 Who Art in Heaven
11 Playing All Their Cards
12 History In The Making

Chapter 3: Revelation

13 Church Of The Obsidian
14 Heresiology
15 Wildfire
16 Stillwater
17 With Great Power
18a Revelation
18b Retraction

ObjectiveDeliver 1x Book Of St. Arzad (0.1 m3)
Rewards+10% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing + 25M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Posmon Aubenard is a friend of mine, a Gallente historian working with the University of Caille. He's a trusted academic, an astute scholar, and a respected member of the university's staff. If you take this book to him, I know that he will preserve it and keep it safe, possibly even put the book in the proper historical light with a best-selling book of his own in a few years. That might not sit well with my Minmatar brethren, but at least we won't lose the truth, or whatever part of the truth this book represents. The Defiants can keep the Wildfire Khumaak – although I'm sure Posmon would love to get his hands on it – but it's just an empty symbol without the book. Go and give the Book of St. Arzad to him, and let him keep it safe. It's the right thing to do. Isn't it?
Файл:Minmatar epic 17b.jpg

Go to Avesber five jump away.

Insert the Book Of St. Arzad into University of Caille Cargo Container.

Complete the Mission remotely.

Thank you
I think we did the right thing. Though I am deeply troubled by this situation, as a historian, I must confront it. Thank you for all your efforts in this investigation, <Character>. Though some of my people may be upset with you, the Matari people as a whole owe you their gratitude. Good luck in the future, brave pilot.



Container 1 x University of Caille Cargo Container Insert Book Of St. Arzad

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:22.