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Right Tool for the Job

Файл:Logo faction caldari state.png
Chapter 1: Proof of Intent

1 The Intermediary
2 Trust And Discretion
3 Their Loss, Our Profit
4 The Paths That Are Hidden
5.1a[1] An Honorable Betrayal
5.2a[1] Proof of Intent
5.3a[1] Return to Isha
5.4a[1] Re-examining Options
5b Two Steps Into Hell
5c Playing It Safer
6a[1] Almost Unmasked
7.1a[1] Some Light Theatrics
7.2a[1] Untouchable
6[2] Too Close for Comfort
7b[2] The Crimson Decoy
7c[2] Pre-Emptive Opportunities
8 A General's Best Friend

Chapter 2: Blackness Rising

9 Meet Sinas
10 Right Tool for the Job
11 The Breakout
12 Whisper of a Conspiracy
13 Practical Solutions
14 Forewarning

Chapter 3: The Bottom Line

15a[1] The Knowledge to Act
16a[1] Slipping Away
17a[1] Across the Line
15b[2] A Difference of Opinion
16b[2] Learning by Doing
17b[2] The Price of Silence
16c Home In Peace

  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 Hyasyoda path
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 Nugoeihuvi path

ObjectiveRetrieve 1x FedNav F.O.F. Identifier Tag AC-106V:FNSBR
FactionGallente Federation
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates
EWARSensor dampening
Rewards10M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra0.001 Gallente Federation Faction Standing loss; Requires a Data Analyzer
Mission briefing
Welcome to Astoh, <Character>. I appreciate you coming by. Katsen just sent me the ISK, too. Thank you for being our middle man on that one. You may want to make yourself comfortable in that egg for a moment; I've a bit to cover here for your briefing.

As you know, my name is Sinas Egassuo. As you probably do not know, my job is to coordinate search and rescue operations, as well as the liberation of Caldari Prisoners of War taken during battle in Black Rise. This duty I have fulfilled without hesitation, and I am proud to have led such operations.

It is by carrying out this task, however, that I've come to notice something strange. Whenever we rescue people, there are often less Ishukone crew members and staff than the rest. It's never enough to be conspicuous or noticeable, but I notice it, and I find it conspicuous. I can't explain it though, and neither can the people we recover.

My suspicion is that Ishukone personnel are being taken elsewhere, perhaps being treated more kindly due to their Liberal philosophies and good history with the Gallente. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Federation trying to divide us over something like that, but we'd have to know about it first, and they don't seem keen on that happening.

I need you to investigate the matter for me and find out what's going on. I can brief you on the details of the assignment once you accept, but until I have that commitment, I'm not willing to trust you with the information. Sorry <Character>, but Katsen's recommendation only gets you so far.

So, are you committed to the fight ahead of us or not?

New Region connected to Stargate Networks by Caldari State, Scope Article, June 11th, YC 110
In yet another twist in the recent events, multiple reports are coming in of new stargates appearing in systems on the fringes of Caldari and Gallente space. It would appear that the volume of space known as Black Rise - previously thought to be completely impenetrable - has been secretly colonized by Caldari forces.

Initial reports from capsuleers indicate that the new region contains a wealth of virgin systems, full of resources unexploited thus far by the four empires. Additionally, early cartography has revealed that the region opens an additional border between Caldari and Gallente sovereign space, something officials on both sides are scrambling to prepare for as they readjust strategies. Even as they do so, pod pilots both loyalist and independent are rushing into the area to stake a claim of their own.

It remains unclear exactly how the phenomena shrouding this area were penetrated, or indeed how the Caldari State has managed to colonize the area in complete secrecy. State officials have so far remained tight-lipped on any details, providing no explanations. After such startling events in recent times however, and with officials from all three Empires as well as CONCORD pushing for answers on the matter, it is something they will likely have to address in the nearby future.

Video: Myrmidon

Ungated deadspace pocket one jump away in Uuhulanen. Do not forget to equip a Data Analyzer.

Blitz: warp at range near the Federation Navy Shipyard, destroy all the Frigates guarding it and loot the FedNav F.O.F Identifier Tag AC-106V:FNSBR (Can needs to be hacked through Data Analyzer & Hacking minigame before you can loot).


  • You can warp in at range and land closer (or farther) from the Federation Navy Shipyard
  • The Broadcast Tower Group will not shoot at you unless you get very close
  • Broadcast Tower Group receives reinforcements every 2 minutes three times
  • All ships will drop Gallente Navy Tags
  • If you plan on tanking, destroy the Cruisers first
  • Minor standing loss to the Gallente Federation for destroying enemy ships.


Gallente Navy Forward Operations Base
Hidden away in a deadspace pocket riddled with heavy electrostatic interference, this facility doesn't seem to have been around for very long. As the compound draws nearer and the static begins to dissipate, the scanner fills with the signatures of Federation Navy ships, suggesting they are using it as a staging point for incursions deeper into State space. All of the targets Sinas mentioned appear to be present. This is definitely the place.

Broadcast Tower Group (full spawn)

Frigate 8 x Frigate Federation Praktor Belos
Elite Frigate 7 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Machina/...
Destroyer 5 x Destroyer Federation Arcus/...
Elite Cruiser 9 x Elite Cruiser Elite Federation Arx
Battlecruiser 5 x Battlecruiser Federation Praktor Bearcus/...
Battleship 13 x Battleship Federation Covinus/...

Federation Navy Shipyard Group (63km)

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Manica Warp Disruptor
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Matara Remote Sensor Dampener
Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Elite Federation Arcus

Structures (70 km)

Container 1 x Federation Navy Shipyard FedNav F.O.F Identifier Tag AC-106V:FNSBR

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:22.