Версия от 13:24, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Studio I

Файл:Logo faction gallente federation.png
Chapter 1: Impetus

1 Impetus
2 The Tolle Scar
3 Priority One
4 The Averon Exchange
5 A Different Kind of Director
6 Assistance
7 The High or Low Road

Chapter 2a: Scoping The Scene

8 Outside The Scope
9 Hidden Camera
10 Rendezvous
11 Handoff
12 With Authority

Chapter 2b: Eagle Grip

8 Into the Black
9 Poor Man's Shakedown
10 Underground Circus
11 Intaki Chase
12 Rat in a Corner

Chapter 3: Inertia

13 Places to Hide
14a Little Fingers
14b Oldest Profession
14c Octomet Plantation
15 Carry On
16 Studio I
17 Showtime
18 Where's the Line?
19a Everybody Has a Price
19b Safe Return

ObjectiveDestroy Studio I
FactionThe Syndicate
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestionSniping battleship
Rewards30M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
ExtraExtreme damage
Mission briefing
Wow. I've never heard of this before. Studio I must be a recent development among traffickers. I really don't know much about it, but something feels off about the situation. I mean, I've been a part of some really nasty enterprises in my time – trafficking for drugs, medical experiments, slavery, you name it – but something like Studio I? No way; nothing like that.

This looks like a joint operation between Impetus and the Syndicate. I don't know how close that relationship is, or how high up on the corporate chain it goes. But we know the kid is there. Get in there and get him. Destroy the Studio, too. Nothing good can come from it.

Studio I is among the hardest Epic Arc Missions. You have to fight up to 6 Elite Battleship with 300 DPS at 40 km that approach you at 1000 m/s. You will need to overheat, manually pilot, create bookmarks, use long range weapons and propulsion modules to defeat them. Consider asking a friend for help.

Gated semi-deadspace pocket two jumps away in Osmeden.

Blitz: strongly discouraged; destroy all ships at warp-in, take the Gate and destroy Studio I Structure.


  • Complete the Mission by destroying the Studio I Structure
  • The Studio I has about 148000 Hitpoint
  • Studio I drops the Holoreel: Wanted for Love lore item
  • Warp at 100 km and use propulsion modules to keep away from Elite Battleships
  • Create Bookmarks and warp between two of them to get distance from the enemy
  • Use miscellaneous Structures as warp points
  • Align to a Structure and warp away if you need to
  • Overheat your Shield or Armour modules
  • Destroy Frigates and Cruisers first
  • 3% Syndicate Faction Standing loss for destroying the Studio I Structure


Studio I
Unlicensed studios are a rare breed in the Gallente Federation. With the freedoms instilled into Gallente culture, the power of expression has almost limitless boundaries with which to explore. But there's a market for everything, and warped minds require debased stimulation, a desire fulfilled by unlicensed studios such as Studio I. The underworld is sick and diseased, and this studio is more impetus for wanton depravity.

Group 1

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Syndicate Elite Frigate
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Syndicate Elite Cruiser Energy Neutralizer Remote Sensor Dampener
Elite Battleship 2 x Elite Battleship Syndicate Elite Battleship

Group 2

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Syndicate Elite Frigate
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Syndicate Elite Cruiser Energy Neutralizer Remote Sensor Dampener
Elite Battleship 3 x Elite Battleship Syndicate Elite Battleship


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate Locked. All enemy ships need to be destroyed to unlock.

Room 1

Grab the kid and go
I don't know how they discovered our location, but let's get out of here. You Matari bastards, take the kid with you and meet up with us. Deliver the senator's son to us, then get out of this region. You'll never work with us again. Same with you, Gian. The deal's off. Your sick plans are shut down.

Initial defenders (in 5 groups)

Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Syndicate Elite Cruiser Energy Neutralizer Remote Sensor Dampener
Battleship 10 x Battleship Syndicate Battleship
Elite Battleship 2 x Elite Battleship Syndicate Elite Battleship


Structures on site

Station 1 x Studio I On Structure Damage spawns a Wave. Destroy to complete the mission Holoreel: Wanted for Love

Studio I Structure Damage Wave

Elite Frigate 6 x Elite Frigate Pator 6 Elite Frigate
Elite Battleship 6 x Elite Battleship Syndicate Elite Battleship

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.