Версия от 13:24, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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The Cost of Preservation

Chapter 1: The Passage

1 A Demonstration
2 The Cost of Preservation
3 Written By The Victors
4 Glowing Embers
5 From Way Above
6 Friends In High Places
7 My Little Eye

Chapter 2: Songs of the Past

8 Dead End Intercept
9 Surfacing
10 Who Art in Heaven
11 Playing All Their Cards
12 History In The Making

Chapter 3: Revelation

13 Church Of The Obsidian
14 Heresiology
15 Wildfire
16 Stillwater
17 With Great Power
18a Revelation
18b Retraction

ObjectiveRetrieve 1x Hauteker Memoirs (0.1 m3)
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resistKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates
Ship suggestionBattleship
Rewards4M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra5M ISK collateral
Mission briefing
Now that we're past the small talk perhaps you're ready for some proper work. I guess we'll see.

There's this Gallentean guy, a historian named Aillon Boufin…yeah, I know. The story is that he's been studying Minmatar history for years now, and as you'd expect, he's come across a whole shipload of information and documents in that time. Apparently he has one of the largest unofficial collections of documents and artifacts from our earlier days. We're talking real old here, <Character>, some of it - going back to when it was just us, alone against the Amarr.

Now, I'm told that normally whenever we want to look at something of his, there aren't too many problems. Recently however, when some of our academics from the Republic University asked to see a particular document known as the Hauteker Memoirs, they were denied. Since that time, they have bent over backwards for this guy. They have even tried to buy it back - this document that Matari people wrote, this document that belongs to us. They have tried that repeatedly, raising and raising the price and yet each of these times more refusals.

This is when things got ugly. Boufin recently made a statement to the University, saying he is only trying to “preserve Minmatar heritage”. After that insult, they called us in. The implication that RU staff would somehow endanger our own history by simply studying a document...it's almost like he was trying to piss us all off.

Well, the insults stop here. The Brutor tribe has arrived, and with a capsuleer to back their word on the matter no less. It has been decided by the tribe that the return of this document to Matari hands represents a higher priority than staying on good terms with some overprotective historian, Gallente or not. You will see to this. And before you go jumping in, there is a 5m ISK collateral to cover associated risks. The tribe is not willing to risk our own property falling into foreign hands again. Perhaps you can see why we're looking to hire an egger? With that kind of money it's not really an option.

Rising Tensions
For many citizens of the Minmatar Republic, the friendship with the Gallente Federation has been a costly one. Some view the recent abandonment of the parliamentary system as the most potent symbol yet that the Federation's influence hasn't always been to their benefit. Indeed, there are some Matari who view the return to a Tribal Republic as the last necessary step out from under the shadow of foreign empires. Whatever the claims may be, few deny that the relationship still has some fundamental challenges to overcome.

Файл:Minmatar epic 02.jpg
Warp in message
Leave now, egger. I know why you've come, and I know who has sent you. If you think you can just march in and take things that took me years to find, you're sorely mistaken. I won't give you the courtesy of another warning.

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket one jump away in Illinfrik. All warps will land you at the same point, but you can warp around freely.

Blitz: Kill Ailon Boufin then warp to a bookmark. Warp to the Cargo Container, pick up the passkey then warp to a bookmark. Warp to the Archives, insert the passkey and pick up Hauteker Memoirs from the Archives.


  • When you arrive only Ailon Boufin and the Archives are present
  • Ailon Boufin's lowest resistance is 72% Kinetic Shield and Armour
  • Reinforcements arrive when Ailon Boufin takes shield damage and then again when they take armor damage
  • Reinforcements include a large amount of Remote Repair ships
  • If you are unsure if you can kill Ailon Boufin with Armor Repairers present, kill the reinforcements wave by wave first
  • If you overestimate yourself, you'll spawn all ships at once and make the Mission a nightmare
  • Create a Bookmark and warp to it to avoid taking damage
  • Place Ailon Boufin's passkey into the Archives to spawn the Hauteker Memoirs

Initial defenders

Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Ailon Boufin Triggers reinfocements Passkey
Arsten Takalo's last words
Well... that was interesting, eh? I doubt Boufin was carrying the Memoirs himself, but I bet he had the passkey to his archives at all times. Look amongst his wreck for anything like that and see if you can use it to access his archives.

Ailon Boufin attacked

Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Wingman Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 6 x Elite Cruiser Mercenary Corporal/Lieutenant
Battleship 5 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord


Container 1 x Archives Insert passkey and pick up Hauteker Memoirs

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.