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The Hard Way

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The Hard Way, Level 5
Best damage to dealEM/Therm
Damage to resistEM 56% / Therm 44%
Warp disruptionAll Frigates
Ship suggestion(1) Maelstrom w/ Passive Tank and (1) Maelstrom w/ Shield Transporters but recommend more DPS
ExtraAmarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs, NOS, Tracking Disrupter

Part 2 of 5

(Part 1 covered here: Location Location (Amarr))
Space type: Deadspace with Gate

    • Mission requires the player to be able to use a Codebreaker module for hacking**

Acceleration Gate into Deadspace

Single Pocket

Initial Group:
Ships 25-80km away [1]
3 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Napat) orbits at 10km, Web/Scramble, 30% Tracking Disrupter 3 x Battlecruisers (Imperial Templar Phalanx) orbits at 22km 11 x Battleships (Imperial Templar Dominator/Judgment^^/Martyr/Ultara*) orbits of 17-49km, *Trigger 1, ^^Trigger 2 4 x Amarr Cruise Missile Batteries 1 x Amarr Energy Neutralizers II 2 x Amarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry IIIs - Spawn 1:

6 x Cruisers (Divine Imperial Champion/Justicar) orbits at 14-32km - Spawn 2:

4 x Battleships (Imperial Templar Diviner) orbits at 21km, NOS, 10% Tracking Disrupter, -Trigger 3- - Spawn 3:

6 x Battleships (Imperial Templar Martyr) orbits at 49km Variation Spawn:
On occasion, additional ships spawn after smaller ships destroyed 4 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Bahir) 5 x Destroyers (Imperial Templar Caius/Crusader) 2 x Battlecruisers (Imperial Templar Seer) 5 x Battlecruisers (Imperial Templar Justicar/Champion) - Amarr Relay Station Spawns:

(150,000 hp)

    • When the station is reduced to 70% Shields, there spawns**

6 x Battlecruisers (Imperial Templar Phalanx) orbits at 22km

    • When the station is reduced to 50% Armor, there spawns**

6 x Battleships (Imperial Dominator/Martyr) orbits of 17-44km, NOS

    • When the station is reduced to 90% Structure, there spawns**

6 x Cruisers (Divine Imperial Ambrose/Basil) orbits at 7-19km, NOS

    • When the station is reduced to 10% Structure, there spawns**

6 x Frigates (Divine Imperial Napat) orbits at 10km, Web/Scramble, 30% Tracking Disrupter Hack the Communications Hub with a Codebreaker I module to retrieve the objective Tips:
- Use a Passive Tank or plan a capacitor that receives an additional 100 units/s
- Maximum damage dealing of initial group if it gets into range is 2790 hp/s (EM 56%, Therm 44%)

Part 3 of 5

See Prison Bust

Mission reports - COSMOS - Epic arcs - Faction warfare missions
Blitzing - Loyalty Points
General PvE info
Factions - NPC damage types - NPC naming conventions - Fitting ships

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.