Версия от 13:27, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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Written By The Victors

Chapter 1: The Passage

1 A Demonstration
2 The Cost of Preservation
3 Written By The Victors
4 Glowing Embers
5 From Way Above
6 Friends In High Places
7 My Little Eye

Chapter 2: Songs of the Past

8 Dead End Intercept
9 Surfacing
10 Who Art in Heaven
11 Playing All Their Cards
12 History In The Making

Chapter 3: Revelation

13 Church Of The Obsidian
14 Heresiology
15 Wildfire
16 Stillwater
17 With Great Power
18a Revelation
18b Retraction

ObjectiveRetrieve 1x Wildfire Khumaak (0.3 m3)
FactionsAngel CartelAmarr Empire
Best damage to dealExplosive damage ExKinetic damage KinElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage KinElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates
Ship suggestionBattleship
Rewards4M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
ExtraNo Amarr Standing loss; 2.5M ISK collateral
Mission briefing
Good thing you're still about, we'll need you again for this one.

The Republic University guys had a look over the document and it has what they're after: directions. There's a mention in one of the sections of an old Nefantar bloodline, and where they buried their dead. I'm told they're important because of some old folktale about how they buried a special type of Khumaak with one of their leaders. Pretty odd stuff, but also kinda interesting.

They're on a myth-busting mission, though, that's the thing. There is no actual Khumaak, just a bunch of old Ammatar bones, probably. Still, you go there, check it out, and then they can say in their report that the area was inspected by a capsuleer and turned up nothing. They put that together with the proof in this old book that you inspected the right area and, I dunno, write an essay about how clever they are. The important thing for me was just getting our own history back, and that's what you should remember too.

So anyways, you feel like digging up some graves? The coordinates will be 2.5m in collateral, to cover associated risks yet again. If for some crazy reason there is actually a unique Khumaak out there, it belongs in a museum, not your cargo bay. 2.5m ISK would buy a lot of museums, you see. Whatever way it goes, our history won't lose out again.

The Ammatar – Past and Present
The Ammatars are descendants of Minmatar that collaborated with the Amarrians during the latter occupation of the Minmatar worlds. When the Amarrians were thrown out during the Minmatar Rebellion their collaborators fled with them. The Amarrians helped their Minmatar allies to settle in a few systems not far from the newly formed Minmatar Republic. The Ammatars regard themselves as the true rulers of the Minmatars, mainly based around the fact that a fair proportion of the old Minmatar aristocracy, or tribal leaders, were among them. In this vein they named their domain San Matar, meaning ‘true home'.

The term Ammatar was first used by the Gallenteans to distinguish between the two groups. Out of convenience even the Ammatars themselves started using it, stating that, with the help of the Amarrians, they had progressed beyond the old social structure of the Minmatar tribes. Indeed, the Ammatars have very deliberately abolished many age-old traditions of the Minmatar tribal society and embraced some Amarrian ones instead.

In the months following the Elder War of YC110, the Ammatar Mandate was beset with turmoil and uncertainty. During the war, its lucrative tsula plantations -- the Mandate's largest export crop and arguably the backbone of its economy -- were systematically destroyed by Chamberlain Karsoth's forces in retaliation for the Mandate government's harboring of Starkmanir Minmatar tribesmen, a clan lineage long-since thought extinct. After Empress Jamyl I rose to power in the Amarr Empire, however, appointing Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur as Ammatar's savior and protector, the nation has entered into something of a renaissance. Aid now flows in a steady stream from the Empire's coffers, command hierarchies are being reinforced and morale is on the rise. It appears the star of Ammatar will soon shine bright once more.

Файл:Minmatar epic 03.jpg
Hautekar Burial Site
The next morning she was borne up to the stars, to be closer to him. He had her enclosed inside a giant holy dome, a place so magnificent that we wept to see it. In the warmth of the Zaid sun she would remain, forever embracing the shared secret that had brought them together.

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket one jump away in Illinfrik. All warps will land you at the same point, but you can warp around freely.

Blitz: warp in, then warp to bookmark. Warp to Central Burial Tomb, loot the Wildfire Khumaak and warp out.

Complete the Mission remotely.


  • Powerful Amarr Elite Battleships will arrive only if you destroy all Battlecruisers
  • The Mission is done when you approach the Central Burial Tomb, but if you don't loot the Wildfire Khumaak you won't be able to complete the next mission

Initial defenders

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Outlaw/... Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 7 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/...
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Breaker/Defeater Stasis Webifier
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus Last one triggers


Battleship 3 x Battleship Imperial Templar Martyr
Elite Battleship 3 x Elite Battleship Imperial Templar/Judgement


Container 1 x Central Burial Tomb Wildfire Khumaak

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:27.