Версия от 13:24, 13 сентября 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия импортирована)
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The Quartermaster - RIP (2 of 5)

Minmatar COSMOS mission
Agent: Poreg Murchor
Agent location: Thin Red Line (Traun)
Standings required: 6.00 Minmatar Republic
Parts: (1 of 5), (2 of 5), (3 of 5), (4 of 5), (5 of 5)

ObjectiveDeliver 20x Body Bags (20 m3)
Mission briefing
Thanks to the efforts of you and other good pilots, a lot of families are getting the bodies of their loved ones back. You can well imagine how important that is, not having to sit in anguish over the fate of those you love. But having those bodies sitting in the Redoubt's freezer isn't accomplishing this, I need to get these bodies to a Fleet station where they can be properly taken care of. I know it sounds as a menial task, and in many ways it is, but getting the bodies of these soldiers quickly and safely back to their loved ones is critical if we're to have any public support back home.

Take care of this for me and I'm bound to have something more suitable to your talents next time around. Just to make it a little more interesting I'll throw in a good amount of bonus reward if you can finish this quickly.

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 13 сентября 2021 в 13:24.