Turn RO DB – Item


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ID: 5045 Name: Magician Hat

Type Armor Weight 50 Buy price 20z Sell price 10z

A hat worn by magicians.
Rabbits are usually pulled out of this hat.
Pretty stout, it won't be destroyed easily.
Dex +1
Agi +1
MaxSP +50
Class: Headgear
Defense: 3
Position: Upper
Weight: 50
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Mage, Acolyte Classes, and Soul Linker

Script: bonus bDex,1; bonus bAgi,1; bonus bMaxSP,50;
Monster Drops
Owl Duke 0% 26623 Demon Neutral 3 Large
Owl Baron 0% 60746 Demon Neutral 3 Large
Treasure Chest 0% 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small