Eye of Hellion Quest

Базовый уровень: 60
Требуются вещи (забираются):: 717.png 1 Blue Gemstone
Зени: 10,000
Базовый опыт: A) Beat Hellion Revenant: 1,200,000
B) Beaten by Hellion Revenant or skip the Cave: 1,000,000
Вещи(s): A) 603.png 1 Old Blue Box

and 2658.png 1 Nile Rose [1]
B) 2658.png 1 Nile Rose [1]

  1. По прилету в Morroc (южная Кафра), идите до гостиницы . Там заходите в правый портал и говорите с Old Scholar Tyus . Он скажет вам, что ждет кого-то.
    • Он расскажет об Оке Геллиона. Вы узнаете, что он закончил работу над устройством, которое может запечатать злую энергию драгоценного камня.
    • К сожалению, он не знает, где находится драгоценность. Он просит вас найти людей, которые приняли его задание.
    • Начиная с Пронтеры, вам нужно найти Craine Heffron.
  2. Позади церкви Пронтеры встречаем Clanux Heffron . В разговоре выбираем He wants me to help you. Clanux Heffron рассказывает, что он нашел в качестве зацепок сломанный меч и шестеренку. Спрашиваем Where did you find these? и получаем наводку на нашу следующую цель – тренировочную площадку мечников.
  3. Near the old Swordman's Association you find a strange hole in one of the Training Puppet .
    • There are some writings on it: Veggie Lady N9 W3 BINGO!
  4. Go back to Clanux Heffron and tell him what you found. Then he gives you a Cogwheel that he found inside the Item Shop.
  5. Go to the Vegetable Gardener at the bottom left of Prontera .
    • Walk 9 steps to the North and then 3 steps to the West of her . (This part of the quest currently seems to be bugged on iRO as following these steps will take you into the pub. I was able to progress in the quest by walking a few steps more north so that when I walk 3 steps west, I don't end up in the pub portal. Then click the logs that say "Pub Greeter" and you will be able to progress as normal.)
    • A dialog box pops up; enter BINGO
    • She will tell you the number 3847147298 (16754213 found to be another number used.).
  6. Head to the Item Shop where Craine told you and find an Unknown Machine near the Item NPC .
    • It seem the machine is some sort of a wheel so, place the Cogwheel in it. Then the machine ask you to enter the numbers: 3847147298 ( Or 16754213).
    • A shining slate comes out of the machine, the first Piece of Slate, the Prontera Tablet.
    • Go back to Clanux Heffron and only tell him a little bit.
  7. Go back to Old Scholar Tyus in Morocc and he tells you the dense forest written in the slate refers to Payon. He asks you to look for Grout'he Tuccok there.
  8. Meet Grout'he Tuccok in Payon and he's willing to cooperate if you pay 10k to buy his clues item. He gives you a Stone Heart, Green Herb, Grape Juice & Skirt of Virgin.
    • He'll divulge the location he found those items one at a time. (Marks on the mini map. Try not to teleport or enter portals)

• The first item is the Skirt of Virgin near the Resting Place .
(You need to click on the wooden floor in the gazebo for the clue to pop out.)
• The second is Stone Heart the hide inside Pile Of Stone .
• The third for Green Herb is found in the Dried Fish .
• The fourth Grape Juice is inside the Vat, across the wall .
9. Go back to Grout'he Tuccok and report to your findings. You try to solve the puzzle together. Then you find that if we link the locations in the minimap, there is a new location in the center of the city more specifically: the Wooden Floor , specifically the wooden floor of the porch in front of the house Grout'he Tuccok mentions (not inside the house). Go to the spot and find message left by Old Scholar Tyus.

10. Tell him about the hidden message you found and Grout'he Tuccok thinks the next clue might be in the big stone statue in Archer Village to the North of Payon.

11. Walk near the Statue of Buddha in the lower right corner, the Piece of Slate starts glowing as if it is reacting to something powerful.
  • Click on the Buddha Statue and suddenly the Statue of Buddha talks in your mind.
  • He asks you a question. Choose "I won't kill, but I'll find a way to live!"
  • A small opening appears below the statue and you get the second Piece of Slate, the Payon Tablet.
  • If you choose wrong, you will be killed (no exp loss.)

12. Go back to Old Scholar Tyus and report the good news. Old Scholar Tyus will tell you the 4th Piece of Slate is in the hand of Sage Welshyun, Geffen. Before you depart he hands his 3rd Piece of Slate to you, the Morroc Tablet.

13. Meet Sage Welshyun and ask him for his help. He asks you do him a favor first by bringing the report of "Monster Life in the Geffen Area" from his apprentice, Enoz at the top of Geffen Tower.
14. After a long climb to the top of Geffen Tower, you inform Enoz "Actually, Welshyun sent me." and tell him about "Monster Life in the Geffen Area". He insists that Sage Welshyun had taken the report days ago.

15. Strangely, Sage Welshyun claims he was just testing you but he does have the Master Science Reference Book that Enoz was looking for and he asks you to deliver it. He also asks you to get a Blue Gemstone for him.

16. Another long climb up the Geffen Tower. After passing the report, bring the Blue Gemstone that asked for and head for Sage Welshyun again.

  • He asks a strange question... "Where is the abode with a shining silver roof that is mentioned in the third part of the ballad of Grimnir?"
  • You tell him Valaskjalf and he gives you the 4th Piece of Slate, the Geffen Tablet.

17. After obtaining all 4 Pieces of Slate you go back to Old Scholar Tyus. He tells you each of the slates contains a fragment of the cursed jewel and Sage Welshyun should be able to combine the fragments of jewel into one.

18. Sage Welshyun will use the Blue Gemstone you gave him and then combine the 4 Pieces of Slate into a Complete Tablet. He will tell you the Slate belongs to Hellion Revenant and he can send you to the location indicated in the Slate, and he sends you to the Sealed Cave (gef_fild09). The entrance to the cave is a black area in the cliff as you walk west from where you are warped. The Hellion Revenant is a boss-type monster and walks fast. Hellion Revenant uses magic attacks frequently. You cannot use Teleport or Fly Wing inside the cave area so if you encounter Hellion Revenant, it will be a fight to the death.

  • You can complete the quest now by going back to Old Scholar Tyus in Morroc without killing Hellion Revenant.

19. When you near the Sealed Cave, your Slate reacts and starts to glow. You place the Slate in the slot and Old Scholar Tyus's message appears.

20. You find the Hellion Revenant inside Geffen Dungeon Level 2 (gef_dun03) and after beating him, he'll drop Eye of Hellion.

21. Tell Old Scholar Tyus about the Slate, the message, the Sealed Cave and his grandfather's death (if you beat Hellion Revenant). He'll thank you and start the Sealing Ceremony on the Jewel of Hellion.

22. After sealing it, Old Scholar Tyus will reward you.

A) Beat Hellion Revenant: 1,200,000 Base EXP, Old Blue Box & Nile Rose

  • Note: if you go into the cave and already have the eye it will count as killing the revenant when you talk to Tyrus (he has a chance to drop more than 1 when he dies)

B) Beaten by Hellion Revenant or skip the Cave: 1,000,000 Base EXP & Nile Rose

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