Квест на профессию Wizard/Волшебник: различия между версиями

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Текущая версия от 16:46, 14 сентября 2021

Базовый уровень: None
Job Уровень: 40
Класс: Mage
Требуются вещи (забираются):: Varies (2.)

618.png Worn Out Scroll (Optional)

Вещи(s): 505.png 6 Blue Potion (Job LvL 50)
Квестовая награда: Jobchange to Wizard

Note: click the coordinates to copy them, and paste them into the game chat to be directed to the location.

1. Head to the Geffen tower in the middle of Geffen, and proceed to the top floor to talk to the Wizard Guildsman .

Location of the Wizard Guild

2. Mages that are between Job Levels 40 and 49 will have to collect items from one of the following sets:

Set 1 Set 2
716.png 10 Red Gemstone
717.png 10 Blue Gemstone
715.png 10 Yellow Gemstone
991.png 5 Crystal Blue
993.png 5 Green Live
990.png 5 Red Blood
992.png 5 Wind of Verdure

3. Once you passed the item collection test, talk to the Gloomy Wizard in the south corner of the room, to start the second test which is about answering one out of three different question sets - 9 out of 10 of which must be correct to pass this portion of the quest.

Question Set 1 Answer Set 1
Which of the following is not necessary to learn Fire Wall? Napalm Beat Lv 4
Regardless of it's previous attribute. What does the monster's attribute change to when you cast Frost Diver on it? Water
When you completely master Napalm Beat, what is the ratio of the increased MATK using that spell? 1.7 times
What item do you need when casting Stone Curse? Red Gemstone
Which of the following is NOT required to master Safety Wall? SP Recovery Lv 6
Without the INT bonus, what amount of SP is recovered every 10 seconds when you have learned Increase SP Recovery Lv 7? 21
Using Energy Coat, when you have 50% of your SP remaining, how much SP is used when hit, and what percentage is damage reduced by? Damage 18% SP 2%
How much SP is consumed and how many times can you avoid attacks when using Safety Wall Lv 6? SP 35, 7hits
How much SP is needed when using Lv 10 Thunderstorm? 74
Which skill is most useful training in the Byalan Dungeon? Lightning Bolt
Question Set 2 Answer Set 2
Which monster can you obtain a slotted Guard from? Pupa
Which of the following is the easiest monster for a low level Magician to hunt? Flora
Which monster will not be affected by Stone Curse? Evil Druid
When attacking a Lv 3 water attribute monster with a wind attribute weapon, what is the damage percentage? 200%
If a Baby Desert Wolf and a Familiar fought, which one would win? Baby Desert Wolf
Which of the following cannot be a Cute Pet? Roda Frog
Choose the monster that is weak against a fire attribute attack. Hammer Goblin
Which of the following monsters has the highest defence? Caramel
Choose the monster that's a different species. Ghostring
Which of the following is not an Undead monster? Deviace
Question Set 3 Answer Set 3
Which stat is the most important for a Magician INT
Which attribute does not have a 'Bolt' type attack? Earth
Choose the one that does NOT relate to a Magician. Good at selling stuff.
Which town is the home of the Magicians? Geffen
Which of the following cards does NOT affect the INT stat? Vitata Card
What is the Magician good at compared to other job classes? Exceptional Magic Skills
What is the INT bonus at Job Lv 40 for a Magician? 5
Which item can a Magician not equip? Cap
Which of the following is the catalyst when making the Magician test solution 3? Blue Gemstone
Which card is irrelevant to magic? Magnolia Card

4. To proceed, talk to the Gloomy Wizard once more and he will teleport you to a waiting area. When ready, enter the chatroom to wait your turn to take the test. Only one player can be in this part of the test at the same time.

5. The next segment requires fighting through 3 rooms of monsters. Once the first set of monsters of a room is dead, a second set will spawn in the middle of the room, so make sure to not be standing there upon killing the last monster of the first set otherwise you might just get instantly killed. Participants have 3 minutes to clear each room. If you die or run out of time, you will fail and need to retake the test.

Note: If you are unable to pass this portion of the test, you can instead skip the test by defeating the first 8 monsters of the Water Room and then failing, do this six times. Then go there one more time, without having to kill any and fail. Once this is done, hand Gloomy Wizard a Worn Out Scroll to automatically pass.
Room Aggressive Monster(s) Cast Sensor Monster(s) Other Monster(s)
Room 1
(Water Room)
Obeaune, 4 Hydra Cornutus, Phen, Shellfish, Vadon, Magnolia Marin, Marina, Marine Sphere (upon damaging the Marine Sphere there is a chance that it casts Self Destruction, killing itself and the Hydras around it)
Room 2
(Earth Room)
Mantis, Orc Warrior, 6 Mandragora, Flora Bigfoot, Caramel, Giearth, Savage, Vitata Deniro, Hode
Room 3
(Fire Room)
Desert Wolf, Goblin, Zerom, Elder Willow, Frilldora, Scorpion, Greatest General, 2 Horong None Pecopeco, Metaller

6a. If you pass the battle test, skip to step 7.

6b. If you fail the test, or give up queuing for the test, you will be required to answer 5 multiple choice questions each time you redo the test:

- Choose the monster with a different attribute than the others. Cornutus
- Choose the monster that is not a looting one. Zerom
- Which of these monsters does not recognize casting? Marina
- Chose the spell that would be efficient against a Marine Sphere. Lightning Bolt
- Choose the monster that can move. Frilldora

7. After passing the test, talk to the Wizard Guildsman again. He will change your job to Wizard. Congratulations! If you are Job Level 50, you will receive 6 Blue Potion.

Wizard & High Wizard
2nd Class
Earth Spike · Fire Ivy · Fire Pillar · Frost Nova · Heaven's Drive · Ice Wall · Jupitel Thunder · Lord of Vermilion · Meteor Storm · Quagmire · Sense · Sight Blaster · Sightrasher · Storm Gust · Water Ball
Ganbantein · Gravitational Field · Mystical Amplification · Napalm Vulcan · Soul Drain · Stave Crasher
Quests Wizard Job Change Guide · Wizard Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons Rod

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 14 сентября 2021 в 16:46.