Версия от 09:09, 9 июля 2021; Taz (обсуждение | вклад)
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Квест на профессию Blacksmith/Кузнец

Базовый уровень: None
Job Уровень: 40
Класс: Merchant
Требуются вещи (забираются):: Varies (4.)
Вещи(s): 999.png 5 Steel (Job LvL 40-49)

999.png 30 Steel (Job LvL 50)

Квестовая награда: Jobchange to Blacksmith
1. Go to the Blacksmith Guild located in the southeastern part of Einbroch. Talk to the Guildsman (Altiregen) behind the desk to begin the job change quest.
Note: To get to Einbroch, you have to take the Airship (1,200z) in Juno . There are many ways to get to Juno, of which the following are the cheapest (if you don't have a Warp Portal/want to walk):
a) Use the Airship from Izlude to Juno (1,200z).
b) Use the Kafra Teleport service from Aldebaran (1,200z).
Файл:Location of the New Blacksmith Guild.jpg
Location of the Blacksmith Guild

2. Guildsman (Altiregen) will ask you to help Geschupenschte in Einbech. To reach Einbech you can take the train by talking to the Train Station Staff ..

3. Enter the Tool Shop, go to the right and talk to the Guildsman (Geschupenschte) . He will ask 10 questions, worth 10 points each, from 2 possible sets of questions. All 10 must be answered correctly the first time to pass. If you failed the first time, retake the test and get a score of 90 or more to pass.
Location of the Tool Shop

Question Answer
1) Which one of the following regions is matched incorrectly with its specialty item? D. Alberta - Sword Mace
2) What status can be inflicted with the Hammer Fall skill? A. Stun
3) Which one of the following skills cannot be performed by a Merchant? D. Increase AGI
4) Where can you find a store that sells Blue Gemstones? C. Geffen
5) Where is the Tool Dealer located in Geffen? A. 8 o'clock direction from the town square
6) Which weapon cannot be used by a Merchant? D. Bible
7) Which one of the following has the highest defense rate? B. Mink Coat
8) For level 3 Weapons, what is the Safe limit for upgrading? C. up to +5
9) What item can be made using the Trunk item? A. Sakkat
10) The most important part of being a Merchant is...? Any answer
Question Answer
1) Among the following cities, which one is not correctly matched with its specialty? D. Aldebaran - Hammer
2) How much Zeny is one Jellopy worth? C. 3 Zeny
3) What is required for a Merchant to use the Vending skill? A. Must have a Cart
4) Where can you change your Job to become a Merchant? A. Alberta
5) Where is the Weapons Dealer located in Morroc? D. 5 o'clock from the town's center
6) What weapon can a Merchant not use? B. Claymore
7) Which one of the following has the highest defense rate? B. Mink Coat
8) For level 3 Weapons, what is the Safe limit for upgrading? C. up to +5
9) What monster does NOT drop Iron Ore? D. Anolian
10) What is most important to a Merchant? Any answer

4. He will then ask you to bring him items that he is in need of:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1002.png 1 Iron Ore
2212.png 1 Eye Patch
717.png 2 Blue Gemstone
1713.png 1 Arbalest [1]
999.png 2 Steel
930.png 1 Rotten Bandage
717.png 2 Blue Gemstone
1610.png 1 Arc Wand [1]
1001.png 2 Star Dust
932.png 1 Skel-Bone
912.png 1 Zargon
1219.png 1 Gladius [2]
1003.png 1 Coal
935.png 2 Shell
990.png 2 Red Blood
1119.png 1 Tsurugi [1]
998.png 1 Iron
511.png 1 Green Herb
919.png 2 Animal Skin
1122.png 1 Ring Pommel Saber [2]

Note: Although he will always ask for a type of weapon, all can be purchased at NPC shops. If you have more than one weapon of the same type in your inventory, he will take one at random, so be carefull.

5. After bringing Geschupenschte the items he's asking for, he'll refine the weapon. He'll want the result to be delivered to a NPC, that will change depending on the refined weapon:

Файл:Location of Talpiz.jpg
Location of Talpiz
Файл:Blacksmith Job Change Guide Talpiz.png

  • 1610.png Arc Wand [1]: Go to Geffen and talk to Baisulist .
Файл:Location of Baisulist.jpg
Location of Baisulist
Файл:Blacksmith Job Change Guide Baisulist.png

  • 1219.png Gladius [2]: Go to Morroc and talk to Wickebine .
Файл:Location of Wickebine.jpg
Location of Wickebine
Файл:Blacksmith Job Change Guide Wickebine.png

Файл:Location of Krongast.jpg
Location of Krongast
Файл:Blacksmith Job Change Guide Krongast.png

Файл:Location of Bismarc.jpg
Location of Bismarc
Файл:Blacksmith Job Change Guide Bismarc.png

6. Deliver the weapon, return to Guildsman (Geschupenschte) and hand him the receipt given by the NPC to pass this test. Then head back to the Blacksmith Guild and talk to Guildsman (Altiregen) again.

7. Altiregen tells you to find Mitehmaeeuh, a female blacksmith. Go to the the back of the Blacksmith Guild and talk to the Blacksmith Guildsman (Mitehmaeeuh) .
Файл:Blacksmith Job Change Guide Mitehmaeeuh.png

8. She'll have you do a quiz about how well you know metals and the Blacksmith class. It consist of 5 questions, from 3 possible sets of questions. Each question is worth 20 points and you must get a score of 80 or more to pass.

Question Answer
1) What ability is required to learn the Discount skill? D. Level 3 Enlarge Weight Limit
2) When you attack with Hammer Fall, what status effect can you inflict on enemies? A. Stun
3) How much Zeny is spent when attacking with the mastered Mammonite Skill? (Level 10 Mammonite) B. 1000 Zeny
4) What is the discount rate when the Discount skill is mastered? D. 24%
5) What is the maximum percentage that you can overcharge items sold to NPC's after mastering the Overcharge skill? D. 24%
Question Answer
1) Which of the following monsters drops Steel? C. Skeleton Worker
2) Which of the following stones can be made from Red Bloods? A. Flame Heart
3) Which of the following stones do you have the most of in your Kafra Storage? Any answer
4) In general, which of the following properties receives the most damage from a Wind attribute weapon? B. Water Property
5) How many Iron is required to make 1 Steel? A. 5 Iron
Question Answer
1) What do you usually do when you meet someone randomly on the street? A. Ask them what they need.
B. Have a brief conversation.
2) In what village can you learn the Crazy Uproar and Change Cart skills? B. Alberta
3) From the center of Einbroch, in which direction is the Blacksmith Guild? B. 5 o'clock
4) In which town can you find the most Blacksmiths? D. Einbroch
5) Which of the following statuses affect your skill as a Blacksmith? B. DEX

9. If you pass the test, she will give you a Hammer of Blacksmith as proof of success. After giving the hammer to Guildsman (Altiregen), he will change your job to Blacksmith. If your Job Level as a Merchant was 50, you will receive 30 Steel, otherwise 5.

Blacksmith & Whitesmith
2nd Class
Adrenaline Rush · Advanced Adrenaline Rush · Dubious Salesmanship · Enchantedstone Craft · Greed · Hammer Fall · Hilt Binding · Iron Tempering · Ore Discovery · Oridecon Research · Power Maximize · Power-Thrust · Skin Tempering · Smith Axe · Smith Dagger · Smith Knucklebrace · Smith Mace · Smith Spear · Smith Sword · Smith Two-handed Sword · Steel Tempering · Weapon Perfection · Weapon Repair · Weaponry Research
Battle Machine Craft · Cart Boost · Coin Craft · High Speed Cart Ram · Maximum Power-Thrust · Shattering Strike · Upgrade Weapon
Quests Blacksmith Job Change Guide · Blacksmith Skill Quest · Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons Axe · Mace

Эта страница в последний раз была отредактирована 9 июля 2021 в 09:09.